
※SenchaTouch, SenchaCmdのインストールが終了している前提です



$ sencha -sdk 【SDKのパス】 generate app 【アプリ名】 【保存先のパス】


[katsube@eden ~]$ sencha -sdk /sencha generate app helloworld /sencha/helloworld
Sencha Cmd v4.0.2.67
[INF] init-plugin:
[INF] cmd-root-plugin.init-properties:
[INF] init-properties:
[INF] init-sencha-command:
[INF] init:
[INF] before-upgrade:
[INF] generate-app-impl:
[INF] generate-starter-app:
[INF] copy-sdk:
[INF] init-plugin:
[INF] cmd-root-plugin.init-properties:
[INF] init-properties:
[INF] init-sencha-command:
[INF] init:
[INF] app-refresh:
[INF]      [echo] Refreshing app at /sencha/helloworld
[INF] app-refresh-impl:
[INF] -before-init-local:
[INF] -init-local:
[INF] -after-init-local:
[INF] init-local:
[INF] find-cmd-in-path:
[INF] find-cmd-in-environment:
[INF] find-cmd-in-shell:
[INF] init-cmd:
[INF]      [echo] Using Sencha Cmd from /usr/local/Sencha/Cmd/ for /sencha/helloworld/build.xml
[INF] -before-init:
[INF] -init:
[INF] Initializing Sencha Cmd ant environment
[INF] Adding antlib taskdef for com/sencha/command/compass/ant/antlib.xml
[INF] -after-init:
[INF] -before-init-defaults:
[INF] -init-defaults:
[INF] -after-init-defaults:
[INF] -init-compiler:
[INF] init:
[INF] refresh:
[INF] -before-refresh:
[INF] -init:
[INF] -init-compiler:
[INF] -detect-app-build-properties:
[INF] Loading app json manifest...
[INF] Loading classpath entry /sencha/src
[INF] Loading classpath entry /sencha/helloworld/app.js
[INF] Loading classpath entry /sencha/helloworld/app
[INF] Loading classpath entry /sencha/build/temp/production/helloworld/sencha-compiler/app
[INF] Loading classpath entry /sencha/build/temp/production/helloworld/sencha-compiler/app
[INF] Concatenating output to file /sencha/build/temp/production/helloworld/sencha-compiler/cmd-packages.js
[INF] Adding external reference : @full-page => @overrides
[INF] Loading classpath entry /sencha/build/temp/production/helloworld/sencha-compiler/cmd-packages.js
[INF] Adding external reference : Ext.util.Observable => /sencha/build/temp/production/helloworld/sencha-compiler/cmd-packages.js
[INF] -refresh-app:
[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /sencha/helloworld/bootstrap.js
[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /sencha/helloworld/bootstrap.js
[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /sencha/helloworld/bootstrap.js
[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /sencha/helloworld/bootstrap.js
[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /sencha/helloworld/bootstrap.js
[INF] Appending content to /sencha/helloworld/bootstrap.json
[INF] -refresh:
[INF] -after-refresh:
[INF] after-upgrade:
[INF] generate-app:
[INF] -after-generate-app:
[INF] [x-property-file] Updating property file: /sencha/helloworld/.sencha/app/sencha.cfg


[katsube@eden ~]$ ls -la /sencha/helloworld/
合計 96
drwxrwxr-x  5 katsube katsube  4096  126 23:02 2014 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 katsube katsube  4096  126 22:43 2014 ..
drwxrwxr-x  3 katsube katsube  4096  126 22:27 2014 .sencha
drwxrwxr-x  8 katsube katsube  4096  126 22:27 2014 app
-rw-rw-r--  1 katsube katsube  1891  126 23:02 2014 app.js
-rw-rw-r--  1 katsube katsube  5150  126 23:02 2014 app.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 katsube katsube 43927  126 23:02 2014 bootstrap.js
-rw-rw-r--  1 katsube katsube   420  126 23:02 2014 bootstrap.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 katsube katsube  2863  126 22:27 2014 build.xml
-rw-rw-r--  1 katsube katsube  1754  126 23:02 2014 index.html
-rw-rw-r--  1 katsube katsube  5360  126 23:02 2014 packager.json
drwxrwxr-x  7 katsube katsube  4096  126 22:27 2014 resources


